Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hoss Party

A few weeks ago before we came back to Austin, I suggested to my BFF Hoss that she should throw me a "Welcome Back to Austin Lauren" BBQ. Little did I know that she would throw an all out party with a gigantic water slide. (Ok so it was a combo welcome back and happy birthday Addy party but still). It was so much fun!! We stayed for like 5 hours and ate and slid and swinged and Ty was so good. There were several moms there who said they wished that their kids had been as chill and laid back as Ty. One said "he just goes with the flow huh?" That he does. What a good boy. Seems like all we've done since we've been home is swim and play in water. Its actually all you can do when its this freaking hot outside! 
That huge slide in the pictures? I did make Ty go down it.. We went down together but still I was very impressed with how calm and collected Ty  was when we went down. That slide was steep!! 
We're just having the best summer!

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