Thursday, July 21, 2011

Splash Pad Fun

Today we took Ty to the coolest place! Last week at Zilker Park we saw my old friend (or my friend Stevie's wife) and she told me about this super fun fountain that kids were allowed to play in. It was a ground fountain that would shoot up in the air in synchronized patterns and it totally reminded me of the water fountains at the Bellagio in Vegas. Anyway as son as we got there, without any apprehension whatsoever Ty ran straight in and stuck his face in one of the water streams. He LOVED it! This child absolutely loves the water and that makes me so happy. I'm not a huge fan of water and swimming but I also didn't want one of those wussy kids who is scared of water. Anyway here he is running and jumping and loving the free fountain like a black kid in the 60s.

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