Clever title, right? (I aint afraid of no ghosts- ghostbusters) Today we went to the best playgroup ever! It was at a ladies house who lived kind of far out in the country and had her own little fishing pond. Ty got to fish for the first time today. He was more interested in trying to hit stuff with the fishing pole but hey he stood next to water with a pole, I consider that fishing. He had a great time and as usual he impressed others with how smart and advanced he is. Anyway also at this house were a bunch of goats, chickens and 1 pig. Ty liked this part of the group the best. All the other kids were terrified of the animals, Ty went right up to them and petted them, fed them and tried to pick up a chicken. Funny story, while the goats were eating one of the big goats headbutted another goat and pushed it into Ty and knocked him over. Ty calmly got up (no crying) went over to the goat that knocked him over and slapped the crap out of the goat. Hahaha one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. No one messes with Ty, not even goats.