Finally some new pictures of Ty, right? I feel like I've hardly taken any this month but maybe I am subconsciously trying to save my camera up since in less than a week I will be in New York and I have a feeling the camera might get a little use. Today was the Mom's club Christmas party potluck. I think Ty looked so cute. I know he might seem a little over dressed but it was his first Christmas party ever and I wanted him to look fancy. The outfits that have for little girls are all so cute and there are so many! However even with all the girls in their Christmas clothes, Ty got the most compliments (duh). Anyway we had an ok time. You might not know it by looking at what he's wearing but its still really hot here I totally could have put shorts on him but how retarded would that have looked? Hello its December, almost Christmas, he's wearing his holiday wear (I just made sure to keep him inside with the AC so he wouldn't overheat) Ty had fun playing with different toys but the food was pretty blah and the conversations were all the same as they always are at these things. Where is the rule written that all moms have to be boring and only talk about boring topics like labor and delivery and what brand of diapers they use? Anywho here's the pics (some were taken at home before we left for the party)

This was one of the cuter pics that I got of his whole outfit. Please ignore the very non matching blue belt that he's got on. These were Ralph Lauren pants that I bought this summer and its what came with them. The pants are size 18 months but are huge in the waist you should have seen how tight i had to cinch those pants it was ridiculous.
As long as its not a real person santa, Ty loves him. He gets so excited and yells "Santa" anytime we see him. Here he is waving to the one in the yard of the party house.
And here he is asking Santa a question, do you see his questioning shoulder shrug?
Oh and Santa came a little bit early yesterday to our house and brought Dad is new tvs that he has wanted for so long and by Santa I mean mama finally finished paying on them at the Walmart layaway.
Here's Ty trying to move the big boxes around. he's so funny.
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