Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good Bye Pugh

Today, my grandma Pugh passed away. I sure did love that lady. Its been a long time coming and not to sound insensitive or anything, I'm glad she finally did. She was old, like 92 I think and she had a great life but near the end she just seemed to be in pain and ready to go and I'm glad the Lord finally let her come home. I'm glad that she'll finally get to see Mike again and I'm glad that she'll finally get to see Grampy because I know she missed him. I have so many memories from my childhood and visiting her house. I did a previous blog on my what would be last visit to her house in Marshall about all the fun that me an Dustin used to have there. I used to cry every time we had to leave her house. She was always so sweet and loving towards us and the best cook I've ever known. She sewed me Halloween costumes. She stayed with me and Dustin when Emily was born and when my parents went on  their cruise. She would yell at Mike when he would tease me about running out of gas in his truck. She would brush my hair every night after my bath because I loved it so much. She would say that my hair looked like pulling taffy as she combed out all my tangles. And even though I was a fat kid, she would always encourage me to eat and say "well you've hardly eaten anything, you eat like a bird" always made me feel good about myself while I scarfed down my 3rd helping of her mac and cheese. 

(this is a picture of us at her house at Christmas in matching rompers that she had made. Man I loved me a good romper in the early 90s.)

Since I was the first grandchild, I decided on her name. They tried to get me to call her Grandma Pugh but in typical lazy Lauren fashion I shortened it to just Pugh. Its only weird when I talk to people about her "you call your grandma by your last name?" but it always seemed normal to me otherwise.  She would make us laugh when she would get so frustrated with my dad for being impertinent just to get to her. She always said that she hoped one day when he was old like her, he would have a kid that would give him a hard time like he did to her. Don't worry Pugh, I got you covered, consider it done.

(at Emily's baptism with Pugh and Oma)

Pugh used to have old fashion poles in her back yard that one would use to string up laundry to dry. One time as kids I was swinging on one and I completely bent it and snapped it off to the ground. Between me being a fairly hefty kid and the poles being rusted and from 1902 it wasn't that big of a surprise that it broke. I will always remember Dustin running in as fast as he could to tell on me to Pugh and me being scared, I just felt so bad. However, it was Dustin who got in trouble for being a tattle tale. Pugh just came out to make sure I was ok she didn't care that I had broke her pole (ha ha Dustin)

Pugh with teeny tiny baby Emily on her visit to Marshall

Pugh was the epitome of a grandma. I'm sure she was a wonderful mother to her sons but to me I always felt like Pugh was put on this earth to be a grandma and what a damn fine one she was. 
It hurts my heart that my son will never know her or remember her but trust me he will hear the stories of all the good times and good food we had in Marshall.  I am so glad that she got to meet him at least once before she died. The Lord works in mysterious ways and he had my husband get this job in Aiken so that we would drive through Marshall and get to visit her one last time, I just know it and I am eternally grateful for that. 

So this morning when I found she had passed on, I cried and I looked up and said a prayer. I told her to say hi to grampy and Mike for me and I thanked God for letting me have her as my grandma for as long as he did. 

I will miss you Pugh. Thank you for all the memories and good times and please make sure to look down on us from time to time to see how Ty is growing and to see how all of us are doing. We all love you very much but you're finally home now. 

I was editing my pictures that I took today of Ty in the gardens and this one stuck out immediately. Made me smile because I do believe Pugh is in it saying good bye and telling Ty she will always be watching over him. 
(right?! doesn't it look like a ray of light from heaven?)

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