Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ty's First Official Present

I let Ty actually open a wrapped gift yesterday from my mom. As presents come in, for the most part, I've just been letting him have them depending on how bored he is and how annoyed I am with him since he's not really aware of what Christmas is. He got a really cool Thomas the Train Engine set from Mark and he LOVED it! It only came with one little train so I sent Patrick to Target to get some more little cars to go with it. When he came home he was complaining how expensive they were and they are! Those stupid little trains are so ridiculously high but whatever back to the present. Since I knew my mom had sent a Thomas toy too, I kind of wanted to give it to Ty so he could put the 2 together to play. I had already wrapped it all up pretty with a box because I thought I was taking it to New York to open so I gave it to Ty and I showed him that he was not only allowed to tear mommy's pretty paper but it was encouraged! Needless to say he was super excited  He ripped that paper off and once he realized what was in it he was even more excited. However, now he's got a taste for opening gifts. I guess before he didn't realize all the pretty packages in my closet could actually contain toys! He went in there this morning and carried out his grandma and grandpa's gifts and was going to open them. He was not a happy camper when I had to tell him no and take them away. This makes me so excited for Christmas day though! Knowing that he likes opening gifts and gets excited makes Christmas so much more fun this year. I literally have no gifts for myself and I don't care. I love this little boy so much I cannot wait to see the joy and excitement in his eyes when he finds out Santa came to visit us in New York, that's seriously gift enough to me (no really it is.)

I just included this picture because I look so retarded. Oh and Patrick made a rude comment when he was taking it like "uh mama gettin all in the way" Whatever I was just trying to help Ty, I can see when I'm not wanted. 

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