Monday, December 12, 2011

Some Phone Pictures

Took Ty out to my friends farm today. He was let loose to run free with all these animals and I kid you not the kid goes straight to the heavy machinery. He's telling me to put him up on their tractor and telling the pig to get away from him. Obsessed much? 

For some reason both he and his friend Marli wanted to play in her play pin. They stayed in there quite a while together playing with all the baby toys. 

I finally got him to pay attention to the animals. They just had 2 baby goats born yesterday. OMG so cute! I love goats especially teeny tiny ones like this one. 

Ty in the baby goat pin. He was very mindful not to step in the poop in here and he kept pointing it out to me saying "poop". However once let out of this pin he went straight to a pile of goat droppings and picked them up. I had to get it out of his hands with a stick. Gross!! 

It cracks me up that Ty has no fear of these animals. He made all of their sounds, trying to talk to them. My favorite one he does now is the chicken. He ran after them saying "bawk, bawk, bawk."

Just realized yesterday that the Packers play the Bears on Christmas night. Great since we will be spending our Christmas with huge Packers fans and they're going to kill the Bears. Ty wanted to wear my scarf today so I got the Bears one. We are trying to teach him to say Da Bears and I must say he's getting very close. He should have it down perfect by Christmas. 

Went to the Aiken Trail of Lights last night. Poor quality pictures but I needed something to remember it by. We went past a nativity light display and I said "look Ty baby Jesus" and he said in his typical inquisitive tone "jesus?!?" He's so sweet. 

After the lights we had to go to dad's jobsite to run the dozer and roller due to impending ran. If I had to bet, I would say that that was Ty's favorite part of the nght. 

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