Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday Pictures

So I decided to play photographer today and try to take one year shots of Ty myself instead of paying $1000 for someone else to do it. Going into it I thought How hard could this be? I have a super nice camera and some pretty woods right outside my door.

Patrick found this chair sitting outside of the dumpster at our apartment. I had originally asked him to build me a little wooden chair but he found this one so I said ok as long as he cleaned it and spray painted it, so he did. Suprisingly my trash chair worked out just fine. Then I bought some balloons at the grocery store and we packed everything up and went outside to start the photo shoot. Patrick was supposed to help me but he ended up having to go to work so I did all of this by myself, right before naptime to try and get good light.

As soon as I stepped out the door huge dark clouds rolled in and covered up the sun. Um ok lets keep going, I can take shots in between breaks in the clouds. Then while we're walking to the trees, one of my 4 balloons pops leaving me with 3 and looking kind of ghetto.

We finally get everything set up. I strategically place my baby on the blue chair and start snapping pictures and the camera stops and tells me my memory card is full. Of course it is. So we went inside, took a nap and tried again 2 hours later. I didn't get a whole lot of pictures but I got some that I love and that's all that really matters.

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