Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ty Hearts Housework

So here is a picture of my child attempting to sweep the floor. Not only was his first word vacuum he also loves brooms, mops and anything that is used in cleaning. He loves helping with dishes he loves unloading groceries. I am doing an entry on this now so that one day when he is refusing to do his chores or help around the house I have written proof that at one time in his life, he was mommy’s good helper. I wish it would last forever but alas I know that it will not.

Oh one more funny story about cleaning. Tonight while I was cleaning the kitchen after dinner, Ty went into the cabinet, pulled out a new garbage bag shook it open (to the best of his ability) and dropped it in the trashcan. He actually was helping us put a new bag in. I’m sorry but I have seen few things in my life cuter then that. Seriously.

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