Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ty Hearts Books

Ty is totally in love with books right now. I snapped this pic this morning when Patrick was in TY's room playing with his blocks and Ty climbed up on his lap and forced a book on him. He carries books around with him and would almost always read a book over play with his toys. He will even go in his room alone and sit and read. He's got one book that we read every night that goes over the parts of his body. I saw him in his room turning the pages and patting all the various parts mentioned in the book as he turned the pages. It was funny.
His favorite book for some reason is some stupid halloween book and he is really close to being able to say halloween which is another totally random first word. Oh and one time Patrick tried to sing one of Ty's books to him (Baby Beluga) and Ty lost it and was hysterically crying. I think he thought that Patrick was trying to put him to bed and only mama is allowed to sing books to put Ty to bed. I just love that kid!!

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