Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ty's Trike

Here is Ty’s new big boy trike that he got for his birthday from Grammy and Grampy. It is such a cool trike and really the Rolls Royce as far as tricycles go. It is meant to grow with him until he can pedal and ride alone. For now though it has a big handle for me to push and steer with and a safety harness to keep in place and he absolutely loves it. I’m not sure that will be able to get him to go in his stroller ever again.

Lately he has been obsessed with bikes and the kids on the bikes in our apartment complex. He will wave or point and shout at them when we see them and I have to drag him away (usually screaming) from parked bikes that we see at the playground. When the trike originally arrived in the plain amazon box he squealed as soon as I revealed its contents.  He helped daddy put it together and immediately wanted in it. We went for a stroll around the neighborhood and he thought he was so cool. He waved at a couple of little girls we passed and they thought he was so cute and giggled. You could seriously tell he was proud to be cruising around in his new big boy bike. 

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