Thursday, May 26, 2011

Random Story Updates

Here is Ty's last picture with his fancy little sign that I made. No Payton in the picture since she's not here in North Carolina with us and no clothes just because it was Ty's birthday and I decided to let him roam the house ONLY (never ever take a naked baby in public. Gross)in his birthday suit. Left the diaper on as he thinks its hilarious to pee on the floor now as soon as that diaper comes off. 
Oh and he is also sitting in the trash chair. He loves that stupid thing so I guess we're keeping it. 

Here is Ty having his first milkshake ever from DQ. WHile we were in DQ ordering it, I let him walk around and he went over to their huge poster they had of all the ice cream treats they had and he kept beating it saying "yummmmm!" Hello where do I sign to get this kid in a DQ commercial?!?!

And here we were on a Sunday, at a public park, cooking out like a bunch of Mexicans. We've started a tradition now at the DeWilde house that we like to call Champagne Sundays where we drink a bottle of champagne before lunch. Its fun and we decided to do it at the park on this particular occassion. 

I let Ty get nice and dirty and play in the water. It reminded me of all those pictures you always would see of the old days when black people would play in the fire hydrants (ha! old days, I still see them frolicking around in city water). So to sum it up we cooked out at the park like a bunch of mexicans, drank cheap champagne before noon like a bunch of P-dubs and let our child play in public water like a bunch of blacks. What a good day. 

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