Saturday, May 28, 2011

Farmer's Market

Today we accidentally happened upon a farmers market. We were actually just going to a new park I found the other day when we were shopping downtown and the framers market was being held across the street. It was kind of exciting because we have been talking about going to one ever since we got here.

 It was a really cool one too. Lots of fruits and vegetables and there was even a cute little trio of a guitar, violin and banjo (I really want to learn banjo so I was excited to see one there!) and Ty was obsessed with them. He stood there forever watching them and dancing.

There were a ton of dogs there so Ty got to pet a lot of dogs which he was excited about and the best thing about it was there wasn't a bunch of hippie weirdos there like there are in Austin just nice normal people buying and selling produce and using plastic bags instead of those stupid damn reusable shopping bags. Anyway after the market we let Ty play on the playground and run on the tennis court. Patrick took most of these pictures (I thinks he's becoming addicted to my new camera).

Tomorrow we're cooking out again at the park and we're going to feed the ducks. Good times. Oh yeah one more thing Ty can do an exact imitation of Cookie Monster he says "yum yum yum yum" in cookie's growly voice. It is high-larious.

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