Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Ty

Here are the pictures from Ty's real birthday. We went to the North Carolina Zoo which was about an hour away from where we are staying. I thought we would outsmart Ty and go at his morning naptime so he'd sleep all the way there and then leave the zoo at his afternoon nap time and he'd sleep all the way home. Ha! Ty had other plans. He was awake the whole way there literally until we were 5 minutes away and then he dosed off. So we found a mall and I stayed in the car with him and let him sleep. Then there was the zoo. I was actually really excited because I had not been to a zoo in years, decades in fact. It was a nice zoo but not super huge and all the animals were lazy. We hardly saw anything up close enough to be able to point the animals out to Ty. However we did see the elephants, giraffes and zebras which are his 3 favorite and most recognizable animals so it was a very successful trip.  He was actually very excited and aware of what we were looking at.

While we were there an older guy came over to me and asked if Baby Gap had contacted me yet for Ty  to model. Then there was this huge group of black people who told me that he was the coolest baby they'd ever seen. Word.

Then we went home. He fell asleep on the tram ride to the car then was awake the rest of the day but surprisingly pleasant.  We let him have his own cupcake and this time he went to town. He loved it and I cringed as he squished that chocolate icing all over his face and high chair (I can't stand a dirty baby but I'm getting better).

Anyway it was an awesome day with our little family and I wouldn't have changed anything. I love this little kid so much sometimes it hurts! He never ceases to amaze me with his intelligence and all the words he can now say. He is starting to say all the body parts as he points to them which is my favorite thing because he says it with the same intonation that I say it with. He is so funny and so sweet and watching him grow up is just amazing. I am so blessed to be Ty's mom and I honestly thank God everyday that he is mine. I got so lucky to have him in my life and while I'm sad that he's not a baby anymore I'm more excited that he's growing up. Now with all that being said he still does not sleep through the night. In fact he wakes up as much now as he did as a newborn I'm just used to being tired now I guess. Happy Birthday Ty!! You are so loved by everyone

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