Saturday, April 16, 2011

And In an Instant, They Were Gone

This is a sad post with no pictures because today the thing that all moms fear, happened to me, my computer caught a virus, my hard drive crashed and all my pictures are gone. Luckily I have most of my pictures saved on an online site, thank the Lord, and I have a lot on here and in my email box but still I hadn't go around to uploading any of my march pictures so I lost those and all my recent videos that I took. I must get better at printing my pictures out. I am vowing right now that as of right now I am printing them out once a month. It hurts my heart to think about how many pictures I lost and will never get to see again. I made a resolution to keep up with my blog in the new year and I think I have done a pretty good job at that now I am resolving to print my pictures out.

Ok so here's one picture. I just saw it on my mom's computer for the first time and I love it. Mark took it with his new camera and its gorgeous. I am so excited that he's taking Ty's 1 year pictures for me next weekend. 

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