Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Today was the big egg hunt at our church. We pulled up to a completely full parking lot, it was packed. We got Ty out of the car and quickly to the starting line for the Littles. Luckily we were able to sneak on the side next to another little baby and get some eggs in Ty's basket.

Right now Ty just learned how to throw so he throws everything, including easter eggs from his basket. The kid can throw too, here we come MLB.

After the eggs were all picked up and gone (and I swear this happened in a matter of seconds) we headed over to the petting zoo which was an unexpected and exciting treat. Ty has no fear of any animal. He went right up to the pony, the cow, the goats, the rooster and petted them. He loves animals! He was so excited to see them all. He walked around looking at and touching everything.

He had a big day and it was so much fun. Holidays are all so much more fun with a kid, I just can't express that enough! This is actually the last of Ty's "first holidays" his first easter. Happy First Easter Ty!!

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