Sunday, April 17, 2011


I just wanted to do an update real quick on a couple of new things that Ty does now that are so cute and so smart...
We read a big picture book every night and one of the pictures is of a baby in a diaper. I just realized that whenever we look at that picture, he grabs his diaper with both hands. So when you ask him "where's your diaper" he shows you.
When you ask him what a baby says he can imitate the sound of a crying newborn almost exactly
When you ask him what a firetruck says he can do the sound of a siren
When we play with his pretend phones he will pick it up and say something that sounds like the word hi and then dada (when we play I always pretend that his dad is on the phone for him)
He has finally started really throwing a ball. Overhanded and hard. Its only a matter of time before we can really start working on his pitching technique.

I got a lot ordered and bought this weekend for Ty's birthday party. I can't believe how much work it is! I'm making a lot of the stuff myself so its cheap but I get overwhelmed because I have so many good ideas. Since I still don't have my own computer and have none of my pictures to post here is a proof of Ty's invitation that I designed and had made today. Love it!!

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