Monday, April 11, 2011

Keeping Austin Weird

So I am finally getting around to posting this entry. It’s been sitting as a draft for 4 days now! Oh well better late then never. Anyway on Friday, my mom took off and we decided to have a totally “Austin day.”  We started by taking my dogs down to Town Lake to swim. 

They had a great time and so did Ty. The day before he really had started to walk a lot and stand up completely by himself so he was able to cover a lot of ground at the park. Not sure why I put him in white, knowing there would be dirt, wet dogs and the eventually mud.

After we were done here we headed over to get lunch at the Trailer Park Eatery. A little area on 1st street comprised entirely of food trailers. I got a crepe which was seriously almost as good as the ones I lived on when I was in Paris and then I got a Chicago style hotdog at a delightfully clever named hotdog stand Man Bites Dog.  

We took the dogs with us and didn’t get a second look. The great thing about Austin someone is always more weird then you no one gives you a second look when you show up to eating venues with 2 large dogs in tow. They were super well behaved though so I was happy. 

Ty was really good too especially considering I could have flown to Chicago and back to get a hotdog there in the time it took for us to get our hotdogs. Seriously, it is official Ty is the best baby ever. Sweet, well behaved and patient smart and so cute I just can’t stand it.

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