Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Little Gym

Ty started at a new gym last Tuesday called The Little Gym. I was looking for something comparable to Gymboree that we could go to while we are here staying in Austin and let me just say I love Little Gym. They are so much more hardcore then Gymboree. They aren't nearly as babyish or gay. Ty did his first somersault! Ty is by far the youngest kid in his class, everyone else can walk and run (luckily Ty can walk well now so he will be able to keep up this week). They had the kids practice hanging on some uneven bars (this place is a real gynamstics place) and Ty was the only kid who held on and just hung there. I think it may be because he's so light but it could also be because I've always lifted him up by his arms or it could just be because I have a total athlete for a son. I don't have any pictures of him from Little Gym yet but I will soon. Until then here are some cute shots just to decorate the post. Oh yeah and before I forget, Ty is way more advanced than kids here too it wasn't just because we were in Kentucky. And all the moms here think he's cute too and as I've always said if you can get another mom to tell you that you have a cute kid then your kid really is cute.

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