Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ty's 1st Haircut

Yep he got a haircut today. Now it wasn't abnormally long or anything just long enough in the back to irritate me.  It was starting to curl out and look like a duck tail so it needed a good trim. Here he is right before the cut...

He sat perfectly still. The stylist said she had never had a baby sit so still before for a hair cut. Of course he had he entire place watching him the whole time and when he was finished and we were walking out, he got a standing ovation. Yes I am serious. Then he turned and waved to everyone. I'm telling you this boy knows how to work a crowd. Its so amazing to me that someone so young can be so charismatic and all around likable. Everyone loves him I am in awe and have already learned so much about how to be a better person from my 11 month old!
Here are the after shots. I requested the product put in his hair for the mohawk. Too freaking cute.

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