Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ty is 11 Months

Ok just a week late but regardless of its tardiness, here is Ty's 11 month update. His birthday party is this weekend and I have been working diligently on that and neglecting the blog.
The past month has been huge as far as changes go. I swear he grew up more this past month then he did the previous 10 of his life!

You are officially a walker. You walk around everywhere now. I got you your very first pair of shoes. After paying the $50 for them I vowed right then and there that you would only ever have 1 pair of shoes at a time. I then promptly purchased 2 more pairs at Target (well my mom bought one of them) and ordered you your first pair of cowboy boots.
You now have 4 teeth! 2 on top and 2 on bottom. After 10 months of that adorable gummy smile and 2 brutal weeks of teething you've got some chompers.

Now with these new teeth comes the whole "I'm a big boy now" attitude. You no longer will eat anything that resembles baby food and you won't eat anything I put in your mouth, you have to feed yourself or you're not eating it. You're still a good eater though and will eat just about anything I put in front of you.
You said your first real words (aside from mom, dada, hi and ball you know the usuals) you said fan and vacuum. Both of which you are totally and completely obsessed with. You've always loved the vacuum ever since you were a newborn, it would always put you to sleep if I ran it.

You started at a new gym that is gymnastics based and can do a somersault and hang on the uneven bars and as posted previously the only kid in the class who can.
You could seriously live outside. You love it!! Grammy will take you out as soon as she gets home from work and yall stay out there until suppertime. She got you a water table so you play with that a lot. The poor little white boy finally has a tan so you don't look so British. We never saw the sun in Kentucky and I was quite scared you might get rickets, crisis averted. Thanks Texas sun and horrible drought conditions.

I know I write about this alot but it seems to have picked up recently (and I think its because he has a tan) but people are absolutely in love with you. At Target the other day, and I am not exaggerating, I got 20 compliments from people about how cute you are. I guess it helps that you have the most sweetest smile ever and you're the sweetest kid ever and you wave at everyone. Seriously there is yet a kid that I've met that rivals you in both cuteness and intelligence and I swear I'm not being biased because I'm your mom. Why the only other baby that I know of that was like you was, well, me.

You are so mature. Your gym teacher said that you've already got the greatest personality. You're an entertainer and enjoy making others laugh. I hear so often from everyone that "he's such a little man" again just like your mama, born grown up. I recently found out that a group of people I went to high school with had a discussion about you in a bar. About how much they loved looking at your pictures and loved the way you dresses and that you were the cutest baby born to a Bowie grad.

So Ty, Happy 11 month birthday! You're almost a year old and I am already so proud of you I just don't see how you ever could do any wrong.

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