Sunday, April 24, 2011

They're Back

I got my computer back today and to my surprise all of my files were still on it! All my pictures and videos still in tact. I can't tell you how happy I am.

Here are some pictures from Ty's first babysitting gig. We watched my friend Hoss's son the other morning and can I just tell you that I was amazed and in awe of how well Ty did with around a baby, even when I was holding him. My friend in Kentucky's son would beat the poor little baby she babysat twice a week if she held the baby because he was so insanely jealous. Ty was fine with me holding the baby and even played with him and patted him on the head. This put to rest any fears I may have had about having another baby. Ty will probably even help me with the baby. He's going to be such a good big brother. I can't wait to see him with a brother or sister!

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