Monday, April 4, 2011

The Eyes of Texas are Upon You

Son Sunday I decided to take Ty to his first football game ever. It was the Orange and White scrimmage that takes place after spring practice wraps up. The band was there, the cheerleaders were th'ere Bevo was even there but the best thing about the whole- it was free!! I got to see how Ty would do at a football game without spending hundreds of dollars. 

Ty loved it. There was so much for him to look at and listen to. You'll notice that in all the pictures I took of him, he is rarely looking at the camera there was just way too many other things to look at instead!

Look at my pasty little baby. Already pale skin coupled with the past 5 months in Kentucky= a baby in serious need of some Texas sun. Both of us got a little sun burn. Nothing bad or painful just enough to give us both a little color in our cheeks.

He loved the band and the Godzillatron screen. There were also a ton of little kids and babies which he also loves. 

Towards the end of the first quarter, he started to get a little antsy and wanted to climb the dirty stairs.  He is obsessed with climbing stairs now (see following blog on stair climbing).

We actually walked up right when Bevo's trailer was pulling up so we got to see him get out of his trailer and enter the stadium. I've gone to a ton of UT games, a ton and I have never seen Bevo arrive so that was kind of cool. 

My mom made me take this picture. The bus behind her is filled with all the players. She got excited and wanted their picture so I pretended to take Ty's picture while trying to get the players' bus in there too. 

And here is my most favorite shot. It totally captures and sums up the day of family football fun and Tyson's first glimpse of Texas football (and the stadium where he'll be playing someday).

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