Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Early Easter

Ok so I know its not Easter yet but there were a couple of reasons that I made Ty put on his Easter church clothes and why I put on my pretty orange Easter dress. First, Ty will be participating in my churches Easter egg hunt on Saturday. This thing is huge! I needed him to get a feel for his new basket and what to do with eggs that he saw laying on the ground. He needs to be quick and agile when egg hunting this year so we have been running drills and practicing all kinds of different egg hunting scenarios (when to trip, when to use the stiff arm). Not really but I did want him to see what collecting eggs was like before just throwing him into the mix like I did last year when the poor baby was still a bit unsteady on his feet and walked like a bow legged Frankenstein. 
And just for fun before I go on, here's Ty from the last egg hunt my church had. 
Oh and the other reason for the pictures a week early was because Mark was here but won't be for Easter and since he takes great pictures and has a big fancy camera I really wanted him to get some pictures because on Easter I will be taking the pictures and probably not end up in any. 

I got my dress at H&M when we were in Dallas. I love the color and I deemed it early on as my church Easter dress. I am big into wearing stuff that doesn't match but it goes together and I have been for years (they call it color blocking now but I swear I was wearing this style back in 2006) which is why I paired it with my bright blue shoes. I've worn it once before to church so I knew it would look good. Anyway the other day I was at Marshalls (my favorite place to buy Polo shirts for Ty, they're so cheap) and while there I came across this little Nautica shirt for $12. I bought it because I loved the style and colors and the price. When I got it home it hit me, the colors in his new shirt were the exact same colors of my dress and shoes. Honestly I inadvertently bought me and Ty matching Easter outfits. And here's where it gets funny. 

I texted Patrick to see if he would be home for Easter. He's been working in Arkansas the past 2 weeks and I knew his arrival date would be close to the holiday. When he told me he just might be home in time, that it was looking good, I foolishly told him "oh good, I can buy you a shirt that matches me and Ty now and all 3 of us can match for church"
And then the replies stopped. No more texts. Finally later on he told me that his boss had called and he will definitely not be home in time. Of course he was kidding  and it just cracked me up. All I was going to buy him was a dark blue Polo shirt anyway so nothing super gay. He owns 10 of them already but they all have Chicago Bears on them and last time I checked Jesus wasn't a Bears fan so I don't think he would appreciate that shirt in His house. The verdict is still out as of now though if he'll be home or not. 

It didn't take Ty very long to get the find an egg put it in the basket game and I have a feeling he should do well this year. 

Oh and for another fun comparison, here are me and Ty together at Easter last year.
And its curious that I look so much thinner in the picture from last year because I wasn't. Must be the angle and what I'm wearing. My legs look so much thinner in heels! 

Out takes from the pictures. Mama needs a beer break. 

So that's it, a couple of the pictures I really liked from our "photo shoot" I am so excited for this weekend. I love Easter at my church, its just wonderful and I am so glad I am home to attend all the festivities. 

Oh I just got an update, my husband will be home for Easter and therefore I will be going to find him his matching shirt tomorrow morning. Word! 

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