Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project 366 Week 14

April 1- April 7

April 1- On our usual morning walk, we went on the trails where there were some bluebonnets. They weren't that spectacular (Ty's patch was much better) but there are always families down there on their fancy clothes taking pictures. I tried to get both dogs and Ty in the picture. Its hard to get a 2 year old and dogs to stop and pose for you. 
April 2- We went to Town Lake to let the dogs play in the dog park section and swim. Ty loves it down there and it wears him out. So its a win, win situation.
April 3- Ty joined a new gym, My Gym and its awesome! They have so many things to do for him in the open play gym and he loves it. Again, wears him out mama likey. This picture is of him right after he let go of the hanging bar that is placed above a huge ball pit. The kid can still hang forever on a bar though, he's got superman strength.
April 4- This picture is too small in this stupid collage format to see but its of my dogs laying in the backyard. They love to sun themselves and when I looked over at them, it looked like they were both dead in the yard the way they were laying. 
April 5- Ty has figured out how to open the gate that we tied shut with a slip knot. He climbs up, undoes the know and slides the rope off to let himself out. Nothing can contain this child anymore he's too dang smart, he figures out everything. 
April 6- Patrick got home from Arkansas right before Ty's bedtime. After reading books now I let him watch 15 minutes of either Toy Story or Cars (his current obsessions) and when I looked over at him watching TV I noticed he had his hand in the front of his pants, exactly like his father watches TV. So Patrick posed next to him so I could get this tacky yet hilarious picture. I mean really is sitting like this just inborn in boys? They're so strange. 
April 7- Since Patrick was home we decided to finally get Ty his 1st Yankees hat. I think he is beyond cute in it and it is by far the most hetero piece of clothing that Ty owns. 

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