Monday, April 16, 2012

Project 366 Week 15

April 8-April 14

April 8th also known as Easter. Here's a picture I'm sure I've posted of Ty hunting for eggs, I just turned it black and white.

April 9- Just hanging out in the backyard. Dad left today to go to his new job in Indiana and we miss him already. We're not too sad that we didn't go on this job but we will miss him .I am excited that we do get to go and visit Indiana, a state that neither Ty nor I have been to yet and there's got to be something to do in Indianapolis, right? Peyton Manning lived there forever, what did he do for fun?

 April 10th- Ty at his gym, just hanging around. He has mastered the monkey bars and can go across 3 bars in a row before asking for me to help him, I assume this is impressive for a little boy who isn't 2 years old yet (just kidding, of course I know this is impressive I saw someone the other day at the gym who was excited about their 3 year old who could get to the 2nd rung, yikes but I guess its cool as long as you're not comparing your kid to Ty hahaha)

April 11- I taught Ty how to put together a Lego helicopter and he was obsessed with smashing it to pieces just so he could put it back together again.

 April 12th- We went out to eat with my family at Serranos. Ty is getting much better about eating out but its still not a leisurely outing.
 April 13th- We heard the ice cream man coming so I hauled ass outside to catch him. Seriously I had to run after the truck flagging it down. It was well worth the chase though, look how much Ty is enjoying his ice cream treat.

April 14th- Bath time just gets stagnant sometimes so tonight, I threw in a bunch of balls from his ball pit, he decided to add in the stacking cups and put the balls in them. Clever boy.

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