Saturday, April 14, 2012

This and That

I wanted to do a "Ty Update" post with what he's been up to and the milestones he's reached lately but as he gets older there are less and less things I write in my little pocket calendar that I carry with me. He can walk, he can talk, he can count etc and everyday he just gets better and better and says funny stuff and does funny things. So I'm just going to write about some random stuff in this blog as I count down the days until my baby is 2 (which by the way I am having a really hard time with, more so then when he turned 1. This turning 2 thing in 6 weeks is killing me!) Also I had some more cute phone pictures so I wanted to post those too. 
Ty has the best personality. He is super sweet still but he is hilarious and such a jokester. For some reason he is really paranoid that my mom is always going to eat all his food so when she pretends to take something from his tray he says "no, no grammy! That's Tyson's breakfast" all while shaking his finger at her. Its so funny. He did it to Patrick too while he was here. Oh and I still think its funny that he only ever refers to himself as Tyson when all I ever call him is Ty.  
One of my favorite things to do with him is to play the yes or no game because the cutest words he says are yes and no (I also love his "bye" I figured out that he says it exactly like I do oh and I love when he says "How cute") Anyway the game is like "Ty does Paris wear shoes?" No "Does Payton wear shoes?" No all the way until we get to "Does Ty wear shoes" Yes! So he does get the full meaning of yes and no. 

Oh the other day my mom had on some super cheap and ugly flip flops. Ty kept taking them off of her and throwing them in his water table. She asked me why I thought he was doing that and I told her it was probably because he thought they were ugly. So we asked him "are grammy's shoes cute?" and he said No! "Are mama's shoes cute" Yes! so he was offended by her ugly flip flops. Oh how I've never been more proud to be his mom well except for the time when he refused to go out in public when Patrick was wear jogging pants (yep not only does my husband own jogging pants but he actually wears them out) 

The other day we were in some store and the song "Hey There Delilah" came on the loud speakers and while I was browsing the running shoes I heard Ty singing along to it. "Oh its what you do to me" this child is going to be a musician of some type. I hope to start him on piano and violin when he's 3 (as well as T-ball, don't worry I'm still working on having that athlete I've always wanted) playing a musical instrument does so much for a child's intelligence and learning ability so whether he sticks with either instrument or not it will still be good for him in the long run. 

The other day my mom showed Ty a picture of her, oma and me,as a toddler about Ty's age. She asked him who everyone was and he said Oma, Grammy and Tyson. He thought I was him and I did look just like him only with long hair. As he gets older he seems to be favoring me more and more (lucky kid) so I thought I would look in my baby book and do a couple of comparisons between me and Ty at the same age.
At 22 months I weighed 24lbs and was 36"
At 22 months Ty weighs 25lbs and is 36"

At 21 months I counted 1,2,3 8,9,10
At 22 months Ty can count 1-20 although he usually starts at 5 for some reason but goes on from there with every other number perfectly

21 Months I attempted to sing the ABCs and happy birthday
21 months Ty also attempts to sing ABCs (he taught himself using one of his toys because I never sing the ABCs for some reason) and he's actually quite good. He can also sing most of Apples and Bananas (Rafi song) Country Roads John Denver (the chorus) most of Florence+ The Machine's Dog Days and apparently Hey There Delilah

And looking a little bit ahead when I was 2 1/2  I could recognize 8 individual letters and could recognize a lot of full words (which is why I was able to start reading so early) and I could count to 13

Well Ty can recognize about 8 letters now but now words yet just his name and as previously mentioned can count to 20 already at 22 months ha! suck on that Baby Lauren. (I did beat him at walking and crawling and probably being fully potty trained) 

I registered to run a 5k race at the end of April called the Bun Run. I've run it before, it was my 1st 5k ever but it was a long time ago and since we all know I am currently taking run classes and working out 6 days a week to train for the Rebel Race I want to do I thought if I registered for this 5K it would make me run more and get my distance back. Which it did because I ran a 5k on Thursday with no problem. Anyway this particular race also has a kids 1K (about .6 of a mile) so I thought it would be fun to register Ty and let him run his first race with a cute little free T shirt and a little race bib with his racer number on it. On Thursday when I ran my 5K I let him out of the stroller to run the rest of the way home (probably about 1K) and he ran it all like a champ. I can't wait for the race, its going to be so fun! 

Lately it always seems that Ty is missing at least one item of clothing. Its funny considering how much I dislike naked kids. Thank goodness though he always keeps his diaper on. I used to have friends that thought it was hilarious when their children would strip down to nothing out in public. So tacky. If Ty does lose an article of clothing it is always at home, I think he might be mortified to do it in public anyway (see above jogging pants story)

Ty can completely lock himself into his car seat now and no its not because I have some walmart brand car seat, it is a Britax, he's just that smart. He is so meticulous in everything that he does, just like Patrick. The kid can figure out how anything works, take it apart and then put it back together again (that's from his dad too) luckily the button to release the car seat straps is way too hard to push so he can't get himself out..yet. 

See no pants here. 
Anyway this post turned out to be a lot longer then I thought it would be but I feel good that I have all of his most recent things documented now since its been a while since I did it and since I still haven't written anything in his baby book,  this is all I've got for a record but I wish my mom would have had this blog option for me when I was a baby. 

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