Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Project 366- Week 16

So my Project 366 is a little late and I am a little behind in my blogging but I can't sign on to the internet anymore on my laptop for some reason and naptime is the only time I have to get on the computer and if I don't have my laptop online then I don't have computer time. So while Ty is quietly playing with his toys this morning I figured I would try to get at least this post done. It really stinks not having my 2 hours a day on the computer because I should be planning and buying for Ty's birthday party but I'm not and when I do get on the computer I keep getting distracted by planning Ty's new big boy bedroom or looking at my favorite clothing sites trying to decide on what color shorts I want for the summer and trying to convince myself that I'm really not too old for colored jeans that are so popular right now. My evenings and nights are taken up by my runs and working out and by the time I get in from those I am so tired, I go to bed at 9. Anyhoo here's the pictures from last week (still loving Instagram)

April 15-21

April 15
Ty at his gym (again) we love this gym so much and it turned out that I knew the owners so we get to go for super cheap if not free now so we go all the time. The kid is absolutely fearless but he's wicked talented and has great balance so I actually don't worry too much about when he takes off like this. 

April 16
Ty eating his cereal. Its a new thing he has for breakfast now and really likes it. I held off for so long because it required good use of a spoon and it made for a dirty kid if not proficient with the spoon. One day I gave him the spoon and he just knew how to use it. Kind of like with Ty and his potty training. He's taught himself because I've been so lazy with it. 

 April 17
A reversed pic of me and Ty. He was fascinated with seeing himself on my phone while trying to take the picture. 

This picture is from the same day when we went and picked my mom up from school. I thought it was pretty, kind of like "and he's buy-ing the stairway to heaven" when really its just a stairway into Travis Heights Elementary. 

April 18
Dustin came over to play with Ty. Ty loves his uncle and thinks he is hilarious. Dustin does wild and crazy stuff still and Ty thinks its so entertaining. And no Ty you can't have a tie dyed shirt like your uncles. 

 April 19
At the gym again. I got into with a woman today because she told me that her Dr said kids weren't physically  capable of jumping until they were over 2 years old. Really because my kid jumps so well and has been jumping for so long that he can do a toe touch on the trampoline. Oh and he's 23 months. Oh and you're kid is ugly and is almost 2 and still grunts to speak (probably taught her sign language 1st.)

April 20
We met my friend Nicole for brunch at Kerby Lane Cafe. Ty was so well behaved, I was amazed. Also got about 100 compliments from people on how cute he was. 

April 21
We went with a bunch of my high school friends to Doc's Backyard. It was I will do a separate post on it as it certainly warrants one. 
And just because I love it so much, here's the invitation I designed for Ty's birthday party. Its a New York themed party and I had this made by a designer on Etsy. I think it so cute and the party is going to be so awesome. This year I won't have the nasty guests there that ruined the party last year plus a lot more people who I actually enjoy hanging out with. I can't wait to see everyone!

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