Friday, April 13, 2012

Finally, Easter

Alright so here it is the final post for our Easter weekend, Easter Sunday. We started our day with checking out what the Easter Bunny brought for Ty. I'm still really not sure what the bunny and the eggs have to do with Christ's Resurrection (I get how Santa fits with his birth and the gift giving but the Bunny is beyond me. I suppose it was totally fabricated for all the horrible heathens who refuse to believe in Jesus to still have a reason to celebrate with Christians?) Anyway here are some pictures of what Ty got. He would have had more but he found 2 of the other gifts I had bought him the week before (more Thomas Train stuff) and my mom gave him all of her gifts early too (Cars dvds, Cars toys, a couple of Mater tow trucks yes my child is OBSESSED with the movie Cars now) 
We always got cool gifts for Easter and I still know the true reason for Easter so I don't think Ty will not get the real meaning of Easter someday if I buy him gifts for it. 

I mean really, any excuse to get this kid presents. I love his reaction and how excited he gets about stuff. I've said it before, having a kids makes all holidays fun again. 

So after presents, me and my mom and dad went to church. I left Ty with Patrick since a.he refuses to go to a Lutheran church because he's catholic yet I've never ever seen him go to a catholic service like Lutherans are some big cult that will convert him as soon as he walks through the door oh and b.he was in charge of Easter dinner (which was BBQ) and he had to get the brisket started at 7am. Anyway before I go on to the egg hunt I would like to talk about Easter service. Every year it is beautiful and so moving. My church has a huge orchestra and choir and like I've mentioned I look forward to it every year. The music and the sermon and the excitement of Jesus rising is just amazing and a little overwhelming. Every year at Easter I cry a little during the service because it is just such a happy time, we all get to go to Heaven (as long as you believe) because of Jesus.Now that I have a son, I think about God sending his only son to be killed just to save us,  really gets to me even more. That may sound sappy or corny but I'm tired of making excuses or trying to explain my love for God and Jesus to others because I do I love them and I love my church and there's nothing to be ashamed of. I do get a little irritated with all the people who go to church on Easter because its the only time they go all year long but I guess at least they are going once and what better day to go and give thanks then on Easter, right. I go every single Sunday its one of the things I look forward to most every week and I go to the early, traditional service so I'm like all the old people who have "their" pew and get a little irritated when new comers take my seat. I bought Ty one of the lilies that they used to adorn the alter and it was put in the Easter worship folder. 
Ok so now on to the egg hunt.

Ty actually had a really good time finding all of the eggs that I hid for him. He was in a much better mood then the previous day's egg hunt. 

Look how serious he was about it. He found several eggs at once and all of them had to be put in his basket immediately as you can see him balancing them here. 

Hehe mama hid some on his upside down water table, tried to challenge him a bit by having to climb for them. Yeah you can see how much it slowed him down he climbed right up on it and got those eggs. 

Oh and look at his Toms for this year. Are they not the cutest things ever? They're burlap which is all the rage right now and they are boat shoe style and just too cute for words! I don't know what I'm going to do when he doesn't let me dress him anymore. Hopefully I've instilled such good style in him he will stop and think "what would mom do" every time he gets dressed. 

Here are Grammy and Ty hiding the eggs for me to go find. 

And here is mama finding the eggs with a little help from Ty. He went around with me pointing them all out so I didn't have to do any work lol. 

Then Oma and Opa came over for lunch. When Oma first got out of the car she handed Ty a stuffed bunny but when Ty caught sight of the huge basket of candy she had brought him, he immediately threw the bunny down and got his basket. I love my grandparent's so much. They are so sweet and giving. Oma still gives us all (including Patrick now) $5 and a card for every single holiday and of course now that we have Ty, he gets gifts as if he were her own grandkid and not her great grandkid.  

So there you have it our wonderful Easter. I had such a good time all weekend and Easter is really becoming my favorite holiday even more so then Christmas because if you think about it if we didn't have Easter there wouldn't be a Christmas right? 

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