Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Good Friday

We did so much and had such a wonderful Easter weekend I thought I would break it up in 3 different posts as to not overwhelm one post with all the pictures I took. On Friday we went over to Hoss's house to her egg dyeing party. I hate dyeing eggs, you know the whole dirty hands issue that I have, so I was so happy that Patrick came along to help Ty because if it were up to me  Ty would have done 2 yellow eggs and that would have been it. But since his dad was here he got to do 6 and he actually liked doing them a lot more then I thought he would.

Me and Hoss have joked that Ty's best friend was an 8 year old little girl (her daughter Addy) since Ty is so advanced, he actually has more in common and likes playing more with Addy then Elliot who is only 7 months younger then him. However, now that Elliot can walk Ty plays a little bit more with him. And by play with him I mean Elliot follows Ty around trying to do everything Ty does and then Ty bosses him around. Here are some super cute pictures of the 2 boys playing together. 

Ty just mastered the art of climbing up slides. He would get to the top and then look down at Elliot and say "no, no Elliot get down! Danger" ha! It was hilarious and quite refreshing that Ty has been listening to what I've been telling him, you know like how climbing up a slide is danger. Hmmm actually  I guess he hears me but doesn't really listen?!? He's almost 2, clearly rules don't apply to him, only kids younger and dumber then him that he can boss around. 

This picture of Ty is so cute but it breaks my heart a little. He looks like such a big boy in it. Why does time have to go by so much faster once you have a kid? Its so depressing. 

While we were watching the boys play we started talking about them playing sports someday. I'm sorry but does my tall, skinny child not look just like Tom Brady and Elliot just like a big fat offensive lineman that will one day block for and protect  my Tom Brady Quarterback? Ty swung on this trapeze thing and knocked Elliot over by accident. However every adult laughed so Ty did it again and then went over and stomped his leg. Hoss said it reminded her of our junior high friendship when I used to put signs on her back making fun of her weight but we somehow ended up best friends as adults. Yes, I was a bully growing up and I was horribly mean to Hoss in elementary and junior high but I make up for it now, I love her and have bullied her into going down 6 sizes through my workout program I have for her . Oh and I try to correct my son when I see him picking on other kids but its hard I just don't want a wimp, also its just a tad bit funny.

And finally my handsome little Yankee fan. I dressed him as sporty and hetero as I could. We had such  fun time over at Hoss's. I love being back in Austin! 

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