Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Austin Live Music- Kid Style

On Saturday there was a free concert for kids at Dick Nichols Park which just happens to be right up the road. I figured since Ty likes music and being outdoors and it was free we would give it a try. Even if it was lame at least we got out of the house, right? Well we ended up having a really good time. Hoss and her daughter Addy met us there. Addy is a wild ADHD kid who is most of the time a little too loud and a little too in your face for Ty but this day she was on her meds and she and Ty had a really good time. She was sweet and calm and played with Ty like a nice normal kid. Here they are walking the trail together.

See, they look like BFFs.
Of course since my primary goal was to make sure we had drinks, I totally forgot to bring any kind of blanket or chairs to sit on. But no worries, I just called up my friend Nicole who lives even closer to the park and she brought us blankets and her wiener dog dressed in a vest. Win win situation.

There was a lot of dancing going on. Ty even pulled out some new moves that further make him look like an old white guy dancing at a club. 
Here's one. He kept pulling up his shirt and patting his belly exposing his outie belly button to the world. 

Then it was into a new move where he slightly bends his knees and slaps his thighs to the beat. I really liked this move. 

 Look at Addy doing his moves along with him! It was so entertaining watching these 2. 

And here they are dancing together. 

But of course the nice dancing kids, staying in one place close to our blanket couldn't last forever so we went on a walk around the park. 
And found some bars to climb on. Both Hoss and Addy couldn't believe that Ty could climb so well all the way up and down these bars. He's been able to this forever but its still nice impressing those who have yet to see it. 

I think its so cute that he's started to stick his tongue out when he's concentrating on something, he's just like me!

Such a fun day was had by all. I am just so glad to be back in Austin and to have my best friend Hoss back in my life. We were best friends when we were kids and thanks to Facebook we were able to reunite and find one another again. I've never had a relationship with any of my past or present friends like I do with Hoss. She's just the best and so much fun to hang out with and she worships the ground that I walk on, calls me super mom. To her I can do no wrong, so that's always nice right?  

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