Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down

It is raining. It has been raining non stop now for 3 days with no real break in sight. I am going crazy. My child is going crazy. Hell, my dogs are going crazy. We are an outdoor kind of family (minus my husband he never ever goes outside if he doesn't have to) so when its raining and cold it sucks. However, me being the person I am and always looking for an opportunity to teach Ty something new about the world around him, I decided to use this rain to teach Ty about umbrellas, how to use them, when to use them and how they work (also threw in a small lesson on weather too my child is seriously the smartest almost 2 year old you will ever meet because he's got a freakishly good memory and can repeat everything he's just learned) anyway we got out his Sponge Bob umbrella (actually its Emily's old one) and my Burberry umbrella and went outside, with my mom capturing it all on my camera, of course.

My new absolute favorite picture of us. I just think its so sweet. Plus you can kind of tell in this picture that I'm getting in shape again. I'm running and strength training and doing a 3 day a week run training class all to get ready for the big Rebel Race in June but I digress...

I love being a mom, I get to play in the rain again. 

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