Friday, March 2, 2012

More Anniversary Pics

And since Mark was here and had his even nicer and fancier camera then mine I have a ton of awesome pictures  from the big anniversary party. So here they are, there were just so many good ones I had to include them all. Oh and also you may notice that I am absent from all of the pictures, I had a hair appointment to get my hair turned back to blonde so I was gone most of the day unfortunately. In hindsight yes I shouldn't have scheduled it for this day but it was actually a cancellation that Kristin had an if I hadn't taken it her next available spot was late March and I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror anymore with my disgusting lack luster hair color. I figured Oma would understand and she did. I think its funny that Patrick's in the pics this time but not me its usually the exact opposite I'm really glad he was able to stay in town long enough to get to party it up with my family. He has always really liked Oma and Opa (like since he 1st met them 11 years ago) so I'm pretty sure he had a nice time.

Just some cute shots of my little model in the making. His cute little bow tie outfit that actually matched the decor didn't make it in any of these pictures. At lunch Patrick gave Ty a cherry tomato and Ty gagged it up and threw up all over the place. Ty has thrown up 2 times in his life even when he was a tiny baby nursing he never threw up of course he did this when I was already super late for my hair appointment. I think he though the tomato was a red grape. 

And because Paris doesn't get a whole lot of love on here, here is my almost 10 year old dog more pretty and thin then ever. Paris is like Patrick and Payton is like me in pictures, Payton is a picture whore, she always just happens to show up when someone has a camera out. 

And here is my Lady Lou. This picture and the next are prime examples of why one should buy a digital SLR camera, there's no delay in the shooting and you can actually catch jumps in the air. 

See look at Ty jump and look how high he gets now!

Everyone hanging out in the backyard. Ty likes to play the drums on everything and he shakes his head back and forth like a stoned Rastafarian. Probably how Mathew McConaughey would play them, naked, in his Austin living room. 

Ty "winking" for the camera. 

Look how serious his expression is. I wonder since dad was there but I wasn't if he was calling me...

Ty plays with the 1902 Fisher Price kitchen way more then he does his fancy one he got for Christmas, go figure. 

My favorite picture of the day. I just love the coloring and composition of it. 

And a couple of shots of Mark who is like me, always taking the pictures, rarely in them. 

Love this shot!

And the thing that makes Ty laugh the hardest, and I am talking belly laughs,  is people pretending to be hit by the swing while pushing him. He's a lover of the slapstick comedy. I should show him 3 Stooges or I Love Lucy. 

My son the entertainer. I wish I knew what he had just done or said to get that kind of reaction from Opa. What a priceless shot!

Another great shot of Ney Ney. I can't remember if I've ever mentioned on here or not (I probably have since I am so proud/obsessed with it) but Payton lost 30 pounds while we were in Aiken and she's still going strong. I lost 30 pounds in Aiken and I've gained 10 back in less then 1 month back in Austin. Grrrr back to the diet and exercise grind. 

And Oma and Opa with the numbers. I bet you didn't realize they were this big huh? (that's what she said)

Ah the champagne toast. I am so sad I missed this but I arrived right after it took place and luckily there was some champagne left for me. 

So that's it, the big anniversary party. I wish I had been there for more of it but if its any consolation, my hair looks awesome so that's something. 

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