Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Trip to Dallas

We took a trip to Dallas this week while my mom is on spring break from school. Emily had tickets to see the Myth Buster guys do a show of some sorts that was in Dallas and she was going with my uncle Mark. So since I recently found out that Plano had a new H&M store I figured Ty and I could tag along, visit Mark, visit the H&M and then visit the zoo. It turned out to be a really fun trip and 3.5 hours in the car is nothing for Ty these days after his 12 hour days driving to and fro South Carolina. 
I believe I've mentioned before how obsessed Ty is with suitcases. Obsessed as in I now not only have to avoid the toy section in Target but also the suitcase section because if he sees one, he must push/pull it as he is doing in these pictures. 

Ty insisted on pulling the little suitcase and wearing his backpack. When we were walking out, all of the cleaning ladies were laughing and saying how cute he was. Once he passed by them and their carts, he stopped, turned around and waved bye. 

Then we made it to the zoo. This is Ty's 3rd zoo to visit. He's been to 3 zoos in 3 states. Not bad for an almost 2 year old. I think I've also mentioned before that I want to try and visit a zoo in every state we live or visit its just a kind of cool thing for Ty to have and to be able to brag about someday. 

The Dallas zoo was big, probably the biggest one we've been to so far but it was also the most crowded. And I mean crowded. I understand that its all of Texas's spring break this week but come on, its Dallas there are a million things to do there did everyone have to go to the zoo? We went early, right after it first opened so it wasn't too bad but when we left people were lined up to get in like it was Jurassic Park and they were getting to see real dinosaurs. It was ridiculous. 

The zoo had these iron animal statues all over the place. I swear Ty was more interested in them then the real animals. All he wanted to do was climb on them.  

Trying to get Ty to pose for a picture these days is almost impossible. Gone are the days of my smilely little baby who was more then happy to just sit still and smile. Now he just wants to run away and not look at the camera. As seen in these pictures. I liked my outfit though so I put them on here anyway. 

Here's another posed picture that I tried to get that was a fail. That's why I have so many candid shot where no one is looking at my camera, they just don't work at the moment. 

Here's Emily playing with Ty. 

Oh but here's a decent picture we are both looking at and smiling for the camera. Plus you can see an elephant in the background too. Best picture of the day. 

Ah but the sweet baby didn't last long. And he's off again to go see the animals on his own. 

I think Ty liked the leopard the best this time. Its very similar to the alligator exhibit that he loved in South Carolina where they were right up against the glass so he could see them perfectly. The leopard kept coming over to see him too, looked right at him so he thought that was pretty cool. 

Here he is saying "kitty". The leopard did look a lot like my parent's cat the way it moved and its mannerisms. Pretty cool Ty recognized that.

So there you have it, our trip to the Dallas Zoo. We all had a great time. Our next zoo is the San Antonio one. Yay for zoos!

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