Monday, March 19, 2012

Project 366 Week 11

March 11- I have been missing 6 of my favorite dresses for over a year. Between moving all the time its easy to lose things and I had finally come to terms with never seeing them again. I honestly thought I had taken to the dry cleaners and just left them. However on this day I had to go to my storage unit and I noticed a laundry basket that looked a little out of place and there were my dresses. I seriously wanted to shed a tear of joy I was so excited. Anyway here's one of the dresses that was found. I got it in Myrtle Beach and it couldn't have ever been replaced.
March 12- Just checked into the hotel and as per usual Ty had to go straight to the phone and call his dad. 
March 13- At the zoo checking out the monkeys.

March 14- Playing on the volleyball court at our old Mary Moore Park.
March 15- We went to have lunch with Oma and Opa today. Here is Ty meeting my mom's creepy life size doll, Bett Lou. He wasn't too sure about her but none of us are and that's why she still lives with Oma and not at our house. 
March 16- I got home from my workout to find my child looking like this. He's mowing the lawn with his shirt off. Its seriously one of the funniest things I have ever seen. 
March 17- St. Patrick's Day green beer. This is actually the 1st time I've actually ever been out for St. Patty's day and I had a blast (I will do a separate post on it later)

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