Thursday, March 22, 2012


I haven't been in a very bloggy mood lately. I guess I haven't felt very inspired to do a post about how wonderful my life is because it just hasn't felt that way lately.  Now don't get me wrong I am so very grateful for the life that I have, for my son and my husband and my mom but I've just felt kind of down lately and felt as though things just haven't been going as I would have liked them to so I didn't want to write posts of me whining. I would like to say though that my husband's piece of trash truck broke down again this week and required $1600 worth of work bringing our grand total in just one month of $6000 worth of repairs to that truck and I'm just tired of it.
But anyway luckily my husband has a good paying job and we have my parents who are so helpful and supportive during our hard times. So here are a few pictures and updates of things that have been going on lately...
Patrick taught Ty how to change a tire today. My spare needed to be taken off and the regular, newly patched tire be put back on so here are some super sweet pictures I got of them changing my tire.

I am getting in such good shape again and I am totally buff now. I workout 6 days a week with my bestie Hoss and she’s getting in great shape too and I’m so proud of her. I am also so thankful that I have her back in my life again. She is just such a good friend and I’m just sad that we went most of our 20s apart. I had an old friend that I no longer am in contact with. Someone asked me the other day if I ever miss her or think about her and my answer was absolutely not. Which is exactly how I know I did the right thing in getting her out of my life. Hoss makes me happy and I look forward to seeing her everyday, my husband even really likes her. This is the exact opposite of how it used to be with my old friend. Patrick couldn’t stand her and just thinking of something she said or did would raise my blood pressure. Hoss is a good friend and one that will remain in my life forever. Plus, we are going to opening night of Hunger Games tomorrow and I may or may not be so excited tonight I won’t be able to sleep (we love that book!!) She is my Peeta and I am her Katniss (and only those who have read the book will appreciate that reference)

Ty is doing really well. He is speaking almost exclusively in full sentences now and its just so cute and still a little strange. 2 months from yesterday Ty will be 2 years old. I realize he talks and acts like one of 3 or 4 but how the hell is my baby about to be 2. I still remember seeing the positive pregnancy test. It irritates me that time goes so fast. Anyway its time for me to get into full on party planning mode because this party is going to be huge with a ton of guests.

Ty took a book with him on the playground yesterday. I fear that by instilling the importance of reading in my child, I have created a nerd. I told him he would get beat up carrying that book around on a playground. At least he’s got 2 cool, non glasses wearing, well dressed, used to be the life of the party parents; he maybe able to hone in on some of our coolness, right?

Oh yeah and one more thing, Patrick was outside with Ty yesterday and my neighbor, who is a stay at home mom, came over to them. She told him that she was a member of the Southwest Austin Mom’s Club and that I should join. Now my husband being the sweet guy to strangers and impertinent person to me that he is said this “oh yeah Lauren was a member of the Aiken Mom’s club and LOVED it” oh that husband of mine. I suppose he just wants me to join to see how long it takes for me to be kicked out and to get a funny story out of it. There is NO way I would ever, ever join another mom’s club after my experience in Aiken. Just thought I needed to post that since it did make me chuckle. 

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