Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Garden of Tyson

Its that time of year again when I start seeing all the new plants coming in at the nurseries and I start dreaming of growing huge fruit trees that will produce so much fruit that I will be able to go to the local farmers market and turn huge profits on them. Its true I once grew a lime tree then told the liquor store that I frequented that I would be back to sell them limes, the biggest juiciest limes they had ever seen. They kind of laughed like they didn't know if I was serious or just a weirdo. I suppose I was a bit of both. And in case you were wondering that Lime tree (named Limus, RIP) died and rarely ever produced any limes and the limes that it did grow were so small that you needed to use 3 in one vodka tonic. Anyway every year I get excited about trying to plant new plants so this year I decided we would buy some and let them be Ty's plants. Maybe try to teach him some responsibility and get him on the right track to growing plants with a green thumb, like his dad. Going to buy the plants was just not meant to be for me to do because I went 3 times to attempt to buy his plants and every time something random happened and I came home with nothing (one I went to Home Depot and they had no fruit or veggie plants, next time there was an incident with Ty and him throwing up all over himself because he chocked on a peanut he had been storing in his mouth and the 3rd time I went to get the plants before my run class but traffic was so bad, I ran out of time and just had to leave)  Luckily, Patrick came home the next day and able to help us purchase the plants  do the actual planting.  I of course was on hand to buy all the fun gardening accessories at the Dollar Tree. We got Ty a fajita pepper plant, a hybrid tomato plant that's supposedly easier then regular tomatoes to care for and a strawberry plant. I wanted a jalepeno plant too but its not something Ty could eat and the purpose of his plants was so that he could grow then eat what he grew. 
I love this picture of Ty, I think I've mentioned before that he sticks his little tongue out when he's concentrating on something just like me its so cute.  This was him before the planting began. 

Here he is with his strawberry plant. 

Prepping the pots with soil to transfer the plants (but mainly still just interested in the strawberry plant I think because it came in a pretty little pot with strawberries all over it.)

Helping dad. Isn't this such a sweet picture? Ty just thinks the world of Patrick and anything Patrick does is way cooler then anything I do, mostly because dads stuff involves tools and tractors and dirt. 

Here's the tomato plant. Its already bigger then this (its been a week) and the pepper plant is huge now! 

See? Still obsessed with the strawberry container. 

Probably Ty's favorite part about his new garden, he gets to use the hose everyday.

Payton is helping Ty too. On a side note, Payton loves playing with Ty so much. She follows him around everywhere and playfully jumps at him and runs with him. They're like best friends. Paris, not so much but she is super tolerant of him now. 

And finally here is Ty watering his plants and he looks like such a big boy. We try to water them everyday and Ty is always checking on them. I really hope he learns something from this experience and I really, really hope we grow so many peppers and strawberries and tomatoes that we can go sell them at the farmers market and make a huge profit or at least enough so I can buy me a new lime tree (and then turn a profit with those limes). 

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