Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy 57th Anniversary Oma and Opa!!

That's right 57 years of marriage. We celebrated at our house on Saturday and my dad asked me to decorate for it because well party planning on a budget, that's my thing. I only had 2 days notice and a pretty small budget to work with. This is what I came up with and I think it turned out pretty well. Actually I think it turned out really well

I of course got the idea for the picture cvered numbers from Pinterest. I went through all my parent's old photo albums and found pics of oma and opa over the years. I scanned them in, turned them black and white and printed them out at Wal Mart. My dad cut the numbers out of foam board for me and my husband spray painted them. I am obsessed with yellow right now for some reason and I really like how it looks with black and white, right? Anyway I made the bunting (banner) with my paper cutter, scrapbook paper and printing the  letters out on my printer. Then because I love using candy to decorate I had my go to vases and filled them with lemon drops and Lemonheads. Oh and of course balloons. Anyway that's what I did and now its on to Ty's Birthday planning. 

Is this not the sweetest picture ever Paris LOVES Oma and when we tell her "Oma's coming" she waits by this window and waits. And I don't know how she does it but Paris starts barking before Oma even turns onto our street. Paris has a 6th sense for detecting Oma its like she knows when they turn into Circle C. This picture is particularly sweet since a bowtie wearing little boy joined her to look and wait. 

A rare sweet moment with Paris. I guess Oma is like food to Paris, she can ignore almost anything Ty does if she's got her eye on the prize (food or Oma).

One of my new favorite pictures. Ty loves his dogs so much and they love him too, especially Payton. 

And here's my brother who said (after I took the picture) "uh did you just take a picture of me" in a very snotty way so I felt the need to post it just because he was so rude about it. 

Oh and here is the reaction of Oma to the decorations and her "surprise" anniversary party. I love the expression, she was just so happy and excited. Doing all of this was my pleasure though, none of us would be here without them getting married 57 years ago! 

Checking out all the pictures. A lot of them were really old like from when my mom was little and when I was born! It really was fun going through and choosing all those pictures! 

Oma and Opa are such an inspiration of how a good marriage should be. I am so happy that I have them to look up to (and really not just them but my parents and Patrick's, they're all still married and happy which is so rare these days). I'm fairly certain we'll never make it 57 years unless they invent some pill that keeps you alive until you're like 100 because I don't think Patrick's got another 54 years in him not because I think we'll get divorced (like I told Patrick the other day we'll never get divorced, we get along too well). It was an honor to decorate for their big day and an even bigger honor that they chose to celebrate their special day with us. Here's the thing about Oma and Opa not only do they love each other, they actually like each other which if you're married you know, depending on the day, those are 2 very different things. 
Happy 57th Anniversary!! 

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