Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Project 366- Week 8

Feb 19- Busted out the St. Patrick's Day shirt today. I love it, its his 1st piece of Jcrew clothing, I couldn't wait to put it on him. It did not disappoint. 
Feb 20- Ty helping me wash the dishes, naked, like a PW.
Feb 21- While in storage I found my old boot that I wore when I broke my foot. Brought back many a skinny memories. I got it out because my friend Hoss keeps trying to fake injuries to get out of running everyday with me. 

Feb 22- Ty playing outside, nothing exciting here except for the cool Great Gatsby vintage shirt he's got on. 
Feb 23- Another find in storage. My 1996, freshman yearbook with hoss highlighted and this written. 
Feb 24- Look what I found in our neighborhood newsletter, an ad for a SW Austin moms club. Ahhhhh should I join and see how long it takes them to kick me out I would probably be ok in this one, people in Austin are normal unlike the moms in Aiken who are psycho whack jobs. 
Feb 25- Oma and Opa's 57th anniversary and the decorations I did for it. I will do a separate post on that.  

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