Sunday, February 12, 2012

Omu and Opu

Ty is pretty good at saying everyone's names but some names he says intentionally wrong and they're really funny like for example, Oma and Opa he calls Omu and Opu. So anyway Omu and Opu came over to visit yesterday. It was the first time over 6 months that they had seen my dogs and I'm pretty sure they love those dogs almost as much as Ty. Of course Payton and Paris were super excited to see them too. It was a nice day of visiting and playing outside and of course a couple cocktails. Oh yeah and Oma and Opa haven't seen Patrick in over a year I suppose they were pretty happy to see him too. Oma made him a birthday cake and brought him a card with money. We all sang to Patrick and he blew out candles which I know he had to have loved (not really since my husband is such a wallflower and hates attention) but still secretly I know he was happy since on his real birthday he was alone and today he was surrounded by people who love him so much. Anyway after a nice lunch and Tyson nap, we all sat outside in the beautiful, if not slightly and oddly chilly for Texas, weather watching Ty and the dogs play. It was such a nice day and made me realize just how much I really missed all my family. 

Oma had this hat on before she even had any drinks. 

Ty riding on the tractor oma got him for Christmas.

The new tow truck toy that oma brought that Ty loves.

A new game Ty loves, running into Emily with his 4 wheeler and her pretending to be hurt. He laughs so hard when he runs into her, he's got the same sense of humor as me. 

Ty loves both his aunt and uncle so much! Its good to be home. 

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