Monday, February 13, 2012

A Hossy Anniversary

Yesterday, my best friend Hoss and her husband Jason had a little party to celebrate their 1 year anniversary. Her parents were there and her mom remade the red velvet cheesecake that they had last year for the wedding. I was so happy that I was here for this party because I was stuck in Kentucky last year for the actual wedding. She also wanted me to take pictures with my nice camera so of course I did. I think I got some good pictures, especially of all the kids. Oh and this was the first time that Patrick has ever hung out with the Hoss family. I think he had a good time and I know that Hoss's daughter Addy LOVED him and invited him over again next week. Addy is a bit of a lets say difficult child but my husband is sweet and extremely patient especially with kids. He played with her all day and then today Hoss texted me to tell how she couldn't believe how well he did with Addy. Patrick is definitely the nicer one of the 2 of us.

Oh and I need to add that Hoss was so sweet and told me how smart she thinks Ty is even said that he is a future Mensa member. She went on and on about how smart he is. A compliment like this from another mom is the biggest compliment one can receive because other moms never compliment other children especially if the other child is smarter then theirs. I used to have a friend who thought (and I’m sure still does think) that their child was the smartest child ever to grace this earth and um yeah she wasn’t. She could barely talk at age 2 Ty talks in full sentences at 20 months and also can spell his name now and knows around 15 letters and the sounds that they make. Her child was smart, sure but the constant bragging and comparing her to everyone else was what was so annoying and I never want to be like that. So anyway I really appreciate Hoss telling me all that because sometimes I feel like I’m bragging or even exaggerating what Ty can do but I don’t and Hoss sees that first hand and in person. 

This picture so captures the relationship of Addy and Ty. Do you see his face? Hilarious!

I got this shirt for Elliot for his birthday from Zulily. Before I bought it, I sent a pic of it to Hoss to ask her if she would be offended by it. In typical Hoss fashion she said she would only be offended if I were buying it for her. I think ET looks so sharp in this outfit (the undershirt is one of Ty's old ones and recommended by me to go with the T)

And I just had to wrap up a post mostly about someone else with a picture of Ty. 

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