Saturday, February 18, 2012

Going On in Austin

We've been enjoying our time in Austin so far. The weather has been absolutely disgusting. Raining and cold which is just weird since it hasn't been that way in 2 years. I know they need it but why couldn't it have rained the month before we came home Oh well at least I am getting to rock my Hunter boots, something I never thought I would get to do in Austin. Anyway the first set of pictures were from playing in the back year when it was sunny and warm. Ty got to play with his water table from last year and he still seems to really like it. 

He is so intense with everything that he does. He concentrates so hard when he's trying to do stuff. I love this picture of him even if his face is dirty with something. 

This must have been the afternoon of Valentine's day after the visit to Town Lake and after a good nap. He's always such a happy kid. 

These were taken at the Austin Children's Museum. It was Patrick's first time to go and I had Hoss's family membership so we all got in free which helps make up for the fact that it was more crowded then I had ever seen it and it was mainly all big school aged kids. Ty didn't seem to mind tough and still had a good time with his dad.

The featured exhibit was crap this time. It had something to do with geometry and seemed rather boring. Hey look my Hunter's made a picture. This museum is nothing compared to the one we went to in Columbia, SC. Why does a huge city like Austin that has tons and tons of kids have such a lame children's museum?

Dad and Ty in the kaleidoscope of mirrors. 

Uh oh and another picture of mama's boots. 

Ty looking out at the rain. 

Ty and dad working the big ball digger. Ty's favorite exhibit all day. 

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