Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Project 366 Week 5

A little late but I've had a busy couple of days with packing up all my possessions and driving back to Texas with a 20 month old. Anywho, better late then never, right?

January 29- I already blogged about our cookout at the park but here's my husband cooking our food that I didn't include earlier. We had such a good time.

January 30- Ty playing out in his sandbox. I forget what he was saying in this picture but it looks like he was telling me what the train says "choo choo"

January 31- I came inside to see this beautiful site in my living room. Patrick and Ty painting together. This right here is what I'm going to miss most about living full time with Patrick.

February 1- We had dinner with my last 2 remaining friends in Aiken. It was fun and made me kind of sad that I was leaving. I thought Ty looked like such a big kid eating with the other big boys at the table. I walked in to find one of the older boys feeding him full grapes. I have never given Ty full grapes yet, I still cut them up. I asked the kid did you give him full grapes and the boy said "yes he kept asking me for some" Ty is so funny. 

February 2- Another day another walk at the park. Nothing exciting or different about this pic just what we did.

February 3- A huge avocado burger my husband made me. It was the only picture I took this day and it was only to share on facebook because of the funny and dirty comments my husband made when I said I wasn't going to be able to fit my mouth around it. 

February 4- The morning before we went to pick my mom up from the airport. We are working on sorting things by color here. After he got them sorted by color he then took them and balanced them on Payton's head. Then he told me "pompom on Nay Nay's head" 

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