Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day

Today was groundhog day. This time last year after enduring the worst winter I've ever seen in Kentucky, I was praying for that furry little bastard to not see his shadow and bring an end to winter because we all know he and he alone is responsible for ending or prolonging winter, right? Anyway this year old Phil saw his shadow indicating another 6 weeks of winter. Seeing as we haven't had any winter yet I don't think its a big deal. Also, Hoss told me it was like summer in Texas yesterday and I am not ready for that heat and humidity yet so I'm glad he saw his shadow to maybe give me a little more time to ease back into that God awful weather that is Texas summer. I decided to take pictures throughout the day to document what we did all day long. Riveting, I know. One day though when I'm bored and home alone while my 16 year old is out with his friends I can look back and see what a typical day was like because by then with the amount of liquor I drink it will be a distant, long forgotten memory.
Oh and on a side note, I actually LOVE the movie Groundhog Day. I know it annoys a lot of people but to me, Bill Murray can do no wrong, I love him. Plus I remember seeing it in theaters when I was a kid with my dad. Its on TV right now and yes I am watching it.

This was a rare moment of some Paris love. When Ty gets this close to her Paris always growls and runs away, she's not a lovey dovey dog with him. I was wondering what was up and then I saw it, a bog of goldfish crackers on the ground (you can see it just to the right of her head). If there is food in the vicinity Paris will tolerate just about any kind of abuse hence this sweet picture. 

I packed Ty's books up for the move. All of the sudden they are sooooo much more interesting. He spent an hour in there pulling them out and reading them as though they were different books since they weren't on the book shelf. 

He was in here on his own reading. I snuck up on him and heard him reading one of the bedtime books. The line goes "a kiss from mommy, beddy bye goodnight" and I heard Ty do the kiss sound and he said "mama night night" he did the page almost word for word. It was one of the cutest things I've seen in a while. 

Sometimes I let Ty eat his lunch while he watches one of his 3 Mickey Mouse episodes of the day. I just took this because look how intent Paris is on getting any crumb that falls from that tray. Kind of looks like she wants to eat him. 

Today was an art day. I came in from outside and saw this cute scene. Patrick is basically done with work so he's home all day. Plus his truck is still in the shop so he really is here all the time. He was helping Ty paint.

I love this picture its so sweet. I wish Patrick's face was in focus better though. He sure does love Ty. 

Walking through a wooded area next to a pond. I taught Ty how to walk with a walking stick and he loves it. The weather here right now is the most delightful weather I have ever experienced. In a word it is Perfect. We are trying to spend as much time as possible outdoors. 

Ty needs a haircut. He has hippie hair. I spiked it all up in mohawk today. 

I think he looks so much like me in this picture. His eyes and that look he's giving me is just so Lauren. 

Also taught him how to poke the water with a stick. I am shocked at well this kid listens around water. I would expect him to want to run right in. I told him it was poop water, seemed to work just like when my brother used to try to eat the ice scraped from the sides of meat coolers in the grocery store, my mom would tell him it was diarrhea ice. 

I bought this racetrack at Walgreens today for $3 a markdown from Christmas and he loves it! It entertained him all night long. 

His favorite thing to do with it though was to take it apart and put it back together again. He's just like his dad. 

And finally it was bath time. Ty loves bath time but only f I leave the water running just a little bit. Its weird but a.Patrick's company pays our water bill so what do I care and keeps him in one place, contained for at least 30 minutes

I mean really, look at those eyes and eyelashes. He's such a beautiful boy. 

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