Friday, February 3, 2012

Aiken Cracker Barrel

So I started something that actually turned out pretty cool (well at least to me since my husband did build it) I took weekly pictures of the progress on the Cracker Barrel. We would go every Monday to snap a shot but true to form I stopped after week 7 which is unfortunate looking back because I really wish I had done it the entire time. But you know, life got in the way and my little project fell to the wayside. Also I had to park at the IHOP across the street to take the pictures and without fail every time I would get out to take a picture someone would ask me what I was doing and then proceed to give me a detailed account of every visit they've ever made to a Cracker Barrel once I told them what I was doing or someone would ask me if I was with the newspaper, small town weirdos at their finest. Oh well next job I will keep up with it for sure but until then here's a cool little collage that I put together of the pictures I did take.

So then I went on the Aiken newspaper's website to try and find a picture of the final product and son of a bitch I found a video montage of weekly pictures from start to finish, exactly what I was trying to do but didn't so here this is even better then my project. Whatever, this woman was paid to do this.

Oh and  P.S. his Cracker Barrel made the front page 4 times while we were here, yes I said the front page it was that big of a deal.

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