Friday, February 10, 2012

The Drive Home

I'm going to honest with you, I was not looking forward to this drive home. I get car sick so I have to drive most of the time and I have a baby long road trips are not something I look forward to anymore. However, this time we didn't have my dogs they came with Patrick so that was a bonus but still was dreading this drive. Also its always kind of sad leaving a place that you've gotten to know and have called home for the past 6 months and that you'll probably  never see again. Leaving Aiken was a little bit easier since I hated all the people there (except for 2) and I was just so bored so looking forward to being back in Austin really was a good motivator. 
The drive actually wasn't bad at all. I don't think my child cried or fussed once. He was a perfect angel who slept and colored and watched dvds the entire way without ever complaining. I also got to stop at an H&M clothing store in Atlanta, somewhere i have been dying to go to for years because we don't have one in Austin. It lived up to all my expectations. They had the cutest clothes and they were so cheap. My only complaint was that I wish I had had more time to put more outfits together but I did just find out there is a new H&M in Plano, right down the street from my uncle so I am going at spring break with  my mom to stock up on summer clothes. 
Anyway here are some cute pictures I took of Ty at the Texas state line. Texas has the nicest rest stops  of any other state. Ty had a good time getting to get out and run around. The day before we had driven 10 hours and made it to Jackson, Mississippi. We stayed in a hotel and true to form my child went a little wild. I've got a hilarious video of him that I will post later from the hotel room (Ty is so funny and such an entertainer, I love it!) The next day we drove the rest of the way home and made it to Austin just in time to sit through 5:00 traffic. Those last 30 minutes were the longest of the whole trip, we were all just ready to be home. Patrick and the dogs were 2 days behind us and got in last night. Everyone was so excited to see my dogs because its been 6 months since anyone has seen them so it was a big welcome home party last night. I am just so glad to finally be home!

Ty running to find where my mom was hiding.

Boo! There she is. 

Thanks again mom for making the drive again with us I don't know what I would do without you!

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