So my baby is 21 months old, wowsers only 3 more months until he's 2 ahhhhhhh! I love the age he's at right now its been my favorite yet. He is so smart and he talks so well and he's got his own little personality. The other day me and Patrick and Ty met Hoss and another one of my old high school friends for beers at the Central Market playground for an Austin style playgroup (take that God awful Aiken mom's club, I'm not the only mom in the world who drinks) It was the first time she had met my husband and she went on and on about how perfect we were for each other. She said that we get along so well and feed off each other's humor, which is true, I've been told many times that all Patrick and I do is laugh when we're together and I would have to agree for the most part. She said that we were both so funny and when she found out I was kicked out of mom's club for talking trash about their ugly and dumb kids and for supposedly bringing booze to playgroups (which I actually never did) she couldn't stop laughing and that her and one of my other old besties talked on the phone about my posts on facebook and how they look forward to them because they are so funny. So anyway (I promise this has a point dealing with Ty) while at the playground, Hoss's basketball baby (he's fat and round, Patrick made that name up not me) Elliot started crying, well Ty does a great impression of Elliots cry and has been able to since he was about 11 months old. I had him do it for the girls and they laughed and laughed and Shannon said that Ty was so funny just like me and Patrick. We are all very jokey and all very impertinent and I think that all makes for a good time to be had by all who hang out with us.
So back to Ty's 21 month update...
He can count to at least 20 now sometimes he goes even higher if he has someone to count along with but 20 is the highest he can go on his own
He knows all the letters pictured here. He knows the sound they make and a word that starts with the letter. He can also spell his whole name.
He knows all his colors and shapes.
He knows all of his opposites.
He's got several of his books memorized now and can "read" them to me (see I told yall he would be reading when he's 2 like his mama, we're about to start phonics training this summer I already have the kit)
He's jumping, he's running and he can stand on 1 foot. He has started to do some very limited pedaling of his trike (it won't be much longer until he's full on riding his trike)
He can sing a ton of songs now and its so cute! His favorite are 5 Little Ducks (the horrible song where the mama duck loses her baby ducks one by one but never goes looking for them, just waits until they show back up, what kind of mother is that?!?) and Apples and Bananas (a song that I literally sang every time I fed him an apple or banana which is pretty much every day for a year now, at least).
He's figured out how to open doors. He can also lock and unlock them if he can reach the lock, this makes me nervous!
Here are some funny things he said and did this month:
My parent's cat was sitting at the backdoor, Ty asked "outside kitty?" then he opened up the door let her out.
He always goes to the backdoor and says "go outside" when he wants to go out an play which is pretty much constantly
The other day my mom went inside and he said "where'd grammy go?"
He pushed past Payton (because as always she was in the way) and said "Move Ney Ney" (ney ney is how he says Payton and the funny thing is I've heard him say Payton before he just prefers to call her ney ney)
He closed the bathroom door on my sister who was in there fixing her hair and then turned to me and said "oh where is she?"
He is trying to teach himself the ABC song. He's got several toys that play it and he plays it and tries to sing along as best he can. I never sing that song for him (an I know I should) because I don't like it so apparently Ty is tired of waiting on me to teach him and is learning it on his own.
Yesterday at Target he held up a pair of khaki shorts and said "ooooh cute" he says this about a lot of clothes I show him now its one of my favorite things that he does.
And this morning Ty found a hotwheels car that went to a racetrack my dad had set up for him in my car. As soon as he found it he said "show grampy" so I took him inside to show my dad. I had no idea that my dad had actually been looking for it. Ty knew, found it and wanted to take it to my dad as soon as he could! Now if that isn't smart, I don't know what is.
Oh and that was another hing Shannon said about Ty. When she found out his age she could not believe how advanced he was she said "wow you have got the smartest little boy I've ever met" Thats right, I sure do oh and of course I got about 10 compliments on how cute he was and a handful on how well behaved he was all while at Central Market. I'm such a lucky mom to have such a great kid! Happy 21 months Tyseee!
Here we are at Central Market.
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