Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Project 366 week 7

February 12- At Hoss's party. Her daughter Addy loved Ty's hat. She said, "could you get me one next time you're in New York City" Uh sure Adyy.
February 13- The day after a huge rain storm. Our creek is even filled up again so I can't wait to take Payton swimming. Here's Ty in the middle of a ginormous puddle. 
February 14- Valentine's Day. Here's the fancy boy sitting at his vanity getting ready for the day.

February 15- AT the Circle C Park (yes where my Louis was stolen. RIP Louis) Ty is wearing his super cute H&M shirt which I love. How many kids in Austin have clothes from H&M? Not many I'm guessing. 
February 16- Helping dad fix my dad's "pool" deck. Ty loves tools!
February 17- At the Children's Museum.
February 18- Sad but this is the only picture I took and it is of my dad using his dishwasher. He never ever uses it, he prefers washing everything by hand. Yeah I know, weirdo! I had to take a picture of him though using it and text it to my brother and sister. 

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