Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Mom's Visit

My mom flew into Augusta on the Saturday before our big move back to Austin. I am sooooo thankful to have a mom like I do who will take off from school, fly to wherever I am and endure a 19.5 hour drive with a 20 month old. I didn't even have to pay her! So anyway she flew in around noon on Saturday. I had been telling Ty all day that we were going to go and pick grammy up from the airport. When we got there he went up and down the hall saying "Grammy, where are you" (yep another full sentence that he says now). When we finally did see her, he acted all shy like he didn't know who she was but that only lasted a few minuets especially after he saw that she had a suitcase. For some reason my child is absolutely obsessed with suitcases and loves them I guess its because he's been on over 20 flights already in his short little life and just likes travelling, beats me. Anyway here are some pictures I took at the airport,
Here is Ty saying "Grammy where are you?"

And here he is trying to get to me to save him from this crazy lady that he's not quite sure about. It was before her luggage showed up so he just wasn't too sure about her yet.

So after we got back to our apartment and Ty took a nice long nap, we decided to go have another cookout at the park since my mom doesn't get to do stuff like that too often. We had steak and grilled onions and of course champagne because really what kind of cookout at the the park with the DeWildes would be complete without champagne? 

Then it was Super Bowl Sunday. My husband made so many yummy things to eat. I made myself sick eating them all but it was worth it. We all had such a fun time eating and visiting and watching the game and making fun of Cooper Manning, the odd Manning brother who didn't amount to anything (total inside joke).  I didn't want to go to sleep that night because I knew that when I woke up I would have to carry all the heavy items out to the trailer and then embark on our 19 hour journey home. Here are some pictures of our food spread for the Super Bowl (and yes it was just the 3 of us) 

Here's my mom super excited about the food. 

Here she is drinking my high class bottle of South Carolina's number one selling vodka, Burnetts. It was $16 for a huge plastic, yes plastic, bottle of it and never ever did it give me a headache. They sell it in Austin but I had to ask for it one time and the person working in the store wouldn't even touch it, they just pointed at it and said "there."  Oh Austin and your pretentious residents even someone working at a liquor store acted like they were better then me because I drink cheap vodka.   

So that was it my moms last visit and our last days in our home in Aiken. I do need to add though that this was the first time Ty was aware that something was going on and it was sad. My mom took him and the dogs to the park while me and Patrick loaded everything up in the trailer. When they got back Ty went from room to room saying "uh oh" in the saddest voice one can image when he saw all the furniture and all of his toys were gone. We had to get him out of there quick because seriously I could almost hear his little heart breaking. So with this move, he was finally able to realize that something was going on but he's not old enough yet for me to reason what was going on and why. And that's the hardest thing ever as a mom he was just so sad! He's ok now that we're back at my parents house but that morning of the move poor little man was in bad shape. Next up, the drive home...

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