Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project 366 Week 6

February 5- Super Bowl Sunday. My mom the lush with a bottle of vodka, getting ready for the big game. 
February 6- At a rest stop somewhere in Alabama. Isn't Ty's shirt perfect for a road trip to Texas? It says "On my way to Texas" and while yes it technically means he's on his way to the University of Texas, I thought it was perfect for the 1st day of the road trip home.
February 7- At the last rest stop before we got home. This one is right outside of Temple Texas and I saw them building it when I used to drive to Temple every weekend to stay with Patrick when he worked there. For some reason I was obsessed with this rest stop and how nice it looked from the road.  I talked about it all the time to Patrick who then made fun of me. It was the nicest rest stop I have ever seen, ever so I was right to be obsessed with it

February 8- The Chicago Bulls will make it to the championship game this year and here's why: last year I bought Ty a Dallas Maverick's shirt. We like both teams but I saw the Maverick's one at Old Navy for cheap so I bought it, then they won the championship game. This year I found the Bulls one on sale so I bought it and they will make it to the championship game.
February 9- This is really the only picture I took all day and it was to text to my husband to show him what I was having for lunch, a Coors Light tall boy.  
February 10- Ty found a huge collection of my mom's teacher stickers and he constantly puts them on all 3 dogs. Its funny because they all just walk around with "Good Job" stickers stuck to them.
February 11- Patrick wanted a picture of the Austin skyline with the tower lit up. For some reason I thought they lit the tower for basketball wins. Texas basketball won so we drove to take our pictures. Duh the tower is only lit for football wins and conference wins for basketball, not every game. Still a good picture of Austin though I just can't believe how much its grown!!

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